Approximately 90-100 tons of fuel oil leaked to Izmit Bay from land tanks of Poliport. During the transfer of fuel oil between tanks, fuel oil spilled into the security pools, flowing from the security pool to the rainwater channel, and sea pollution occurred from there to the sea. As a result, this caused sea shoreline pollution in Izmit Bay and threatened living marine life. Izmit Bay closed the entrance for vessel transit inside the port,
Mavi Deniz Oil Spill Response Teams ( Shoreline team + At sea team )
At sea, oil spill response operations mostly worked Tavşancıl Fisher Shelter, Turkuaz port, and Milangaz buoy area, mostly ship side, and sea surface cleaned from the spills. All operations are done by Basaran 1 anti-pollution vessel and crew. Also, Basaran 1 is the only oil spill recovery vessel that can collect fuel oil from the sea surface at the oil spill operation of Poliport.
The shoreline oil spill response team worked on the Tavşancıl Fisher Shelter area. Cleaned sea surface and shoreline
At sea and shoreline operations are done with success. Oil Spill waste is stored in the barrels. Collected oil spill wastes were delivered to the licensed vehicles for disposal at İzaydaş, a licensed waste disposal facility.