Sand Sifting Beach Cleaner designs on dry sand and soft surfaces. The sand and waste collect via the pick-up blade of the cleaner onto a vibrating screening belt, which leaves the sand behind, and the wastes gather in a collecting tray often situated at the back of the cleaner. Because sand and litter lift onto the screening belt, sifters must allow time for the sand to sift through the screen and back onto the beach.
The holes in the installed screen govern the size of the materials removed. Sand Sifting Beach Cleaner standard Using screens 3/8″ (5mm) or 3/4″ (20mm), the different sizes of screens possible to choose to adapt to current soil conditions.
Sand Beach Cleaner is an excellent solution for removing small materials from small to mid-sized beaches, such as shells, stones, cigarette butts, creeping grass, animal droppings, broken glass, twigs, bottle caps, and other litter, and leaving a path of clean sand.