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Aquatic Plant Boom

Aquatic Plant Boom
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Mavi Deniz has designed a unique aquatic plant boom to prevent the migration here below onto shorelines or tourist beaches ;

  • Sargassum (also known as Sargasso),
  • Seaweed,
  • Blue-green algae,
  • Red Brown tides,
  • Debris,

Aquatic Plant Boom design allows water movement, but curtain mesh prevents the sargassum seaweed invasion on the Mediterranean Sea, Florida, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico beaches. Mavi Deniz manufactures Aquatic Plant Barrier to install along with coastal and inland water areas for beach resorts, hotels, and parks to contain, exclude, or deflect Sargassum, seaweed, algae, and debris before it reaches the shoreline.

Sargassum, a brown, stinky seaweed, invades resorts and private beaches in the Caribbean, Mediterranean Sea, Mexico, and Florida during the spring and summer. Typically, cooler weather slows down the algae’s growth. Still, as water temperatures rise, the seaweed is more likely to flourish, and deluge shores and an increase in sewage waste being washed into the ocean fuel the algae blooms.

This floating aquatic plant, known as gulfweed or sea holly, drifts up from the Sargasso Sea in ocean currents. While it provides shelter for many forms of marine life, it has become a nightmare for the tourism industry.

The brown Sargassum washes up on the shore and piles up, sometimes as high as 3 to 4 feet. That is usually a seasonal problem. Once this invasive aquatic plant reaches the beach, it decomposes, emitting a dreadful odor. Cleaning the Sargassum from the beach is costly and disruptive to the tourism industry and nesting sea turtles. From 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., noisy
dump trucks haul the smelly Sargassum from the resorts to clean the beaches for the next day’s beach-goers. Removing the Sargassum from the beaches is a constant battle. The situation results in unhappy tourists and devastated resort owners due to cancellations.

Seasonal Floating Boom – Seasonal (non-permanent) beach protection

If you’re looking for a seasonal (non-permanent) solution to keep beaches clean of Sargassum, red tides, blue-green algae bloom (cyanobacteria), brown tide, or other plants and debris. Our design and manufacturing process provides a floating seaweed barrier that delivers superior results and outlasts competitors.

Calm Water, Moving Water, and Fast Water models are available.

Type I: Calm waters with little currents, such as lakes, ponds, canals, and shoreline areas
Type II: Rivers, streams, open lakes, and shorelines with moderate current moving in one direction
Type III: Exposed areas subject to current, wind, and tides.

Semi-Permanent Floating Boom – Longer term or rough water application +Open Water, Ocean areas

If you have rough water conditions or need a long-term solution, we recommend the Permanent Seaweed Boom for floating debris or seaweed problems. Built from robust marine-grade materials, our boom is explicitly designed for extended use. A permanent seaweed boom provides a reliable and effective barrier to protect your beach area from floating trash or garbage, sargassum
seaweed, brown or red tides, and other debris. The containment boom keeps unwanted floating debris away by acting as a shield, intercepting the algae and debris before it reaches your beach.

For Seasonal Use
TYPE I (Calm Water)TYPE II (Moving Water)TYPE III (Fast Water)
Curtain Depth1 m – 5 m1 m – 10 m1 m – 20 m
Flotation Size150 mm200 mm300 mm
Skirt MaterialPVC or Geotexile or PVC / Geotexile
Ballast5 mm Galvanized Chain8 mm Galvanized Chain8 mm Galvanized Chain
Section Length25 m
ColourYellow, Orange or Black
For Semi-Permanent use
TYPE I (Calm Water)TYPE II (Moving Water)TYPE III (Fast Water)
Curtain Depth1 m – 5 m1 m – 10 m1 m – 20 m
Flotation Size150 mm200 mm300 mm
Skirt MaterialPVC Coated Polyester or Heavy-Duty Rubber
Ballast5 mm Galvanized Chain8 mm Galvanized Chain8 mm Galvanized Chain
Section Length25 m
ColourYellow, Orange or Black
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