Mavi Deniz is the world leader in protecting the ecosystems in marine habitats worldwide. Climate Change and the Potential Spreading of Sea Weeds, Marine Mucilage, and Microbial Pathogens in the Marmara Sea is very high in the summer season, so Mavi Deniz signed an agreement with Municipalities that have a coastline in the Marmara Sea that includes cleaning the sea surface with its stuff and 5 pcs multi-purpose ecological response trash skimmer boats.
Multi-Purpose Trash Skimmer Boats ;
– Quantity : 3 pcs
– Model: Sea Cat
– Length: 17 m & 15 m
– Wide: 6 m & 5 m
– Garbage Solid Waste Tank Capacity: 25 m3
Multi-Purpose Trash Skimmer Boats ;
– Quantity: 2 pcs
– Model: Mini Cat
– Length : 10 m & 8 m & 6 m
– Wide: 2.5 m
– Garbage Solid Waste Tank Capacity: 1.5 m3